Turn Existing into Living
tai attitude4 min read
The strength to get up in the morning. Some have it, some do not, and why is it so?
Wouldn't we like to sustain the strength to wake up every morning, feeling awe-inspired to begin again, be it towards our work or towards our relationship?
The existing and the living are among us. The living are those who have the strength to get up every morning, eager to start their day. Their energy, mindset, and expressiveness are what set them apart. Regardless of their ambition, profession, or background, it's interesting to note that the living share four traits in common.
Happiness is a positive and pleasant emotion. This emotion is perhaps the most important of them all, and those who concur will undoubtedly have experienced it the same way.
The existing hold the belief that happiness is somewhere else; hence, happiness remains somewhere else; it will never be where they are. They seek out the next person, occasion, or place in the hopes that they will find happiness there. Sadly, the cycle will only keep repeating itself.
As it turns out, happiness is a feeling that originates from within, not without. The living are the people who can choose to be happy despite circumstances; if we ask how they do it, they'll tell us the same thing. Be content. Be it.
Sometimes, we just have to empty our minds to accept that some things can be simple. Happiness happens to be one of those things. There is simply no further underlying reason than happiness.
“For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ―
Key takeaway: Happiness is where the living are, because they make it so.
Believing you are capable of happiness is what truly makes you happy.
The existing express themselves through their expertise. When asked what they do, they tell others what their occupation is. John might say, “I'm a barista”, for instance.
The living, on the other hand, is the expertise itself. When asked what they do, they will not only tell others their occupation, but also a brief context of what they do. Their reply is with good energy; for example, Rebecca says, “I'm a barista; I make people's day”.
The existing try to go through their day, while the living are committed to making it work, and it shows.
The existing do their jobs because they have to.
The living do their job because they want to.
Key takeaway: How much you enjoy the process is more important than how proficient you are. The living are those who take pleasure in their work; because of this, they are more likely to go far.
The journey to discover oneself is a long one, so learn to enjoy the process, no matter what it is.
From people who are successful; just listen to whom they are grateful to.
From people who are unsuccessful; just listen to whom they complain about.
Relationships are vital in life. Here's the riveting part: It has more to do with character than capability.
Relationships can be simple; just think about what we can provide for others, even if it's just a little. We can start from here.
One of the notions of the existing is that they believe "friends are the ones who are there for them, in good and hard times". This is true, but only if we give our friends a reason to be.
Meanwhile, the living believe they need to be there for their friends, in good and hard times. They give their friend that reason first.
“You've got to give more than you take.” ― Christopher Reeve
Key takeaway: The living put people they care about over matters they care about, and as such, they sustain better relationships.
Do spend time with those you care about. Be there for them.
Imagine we are happy, experts at what we do, and have great relationships in life, but struggle to put food on the table and a roof over our heads at night. Will we still call this good living?
Unless we hunt our own food and build our own shelter, money is important; there's just no other way to put it.
The existing view of money as a result of what they do. They want to use the money for many good reasons, but they do not enjoy the process of earning it. They “grind” their way to the reward known as money.
The living see money as something to fuel their just cause. In stark contrast, they find fulfilment in making money. They enjoy earning money as much as they do spending it, if not more.
If the existing dream of being billionaires, they think about ways to spend the billion.
If the living dream of being billionaires, they think about ways to earn the billion.
Key takeaway: Aside from ensuring their basic needs are met, the living enjoy the process of earning money.
No matter what you do for a living, learn to enjoy earning money.
In summary
You are capable of happiness; choose happiness. If you can be happy despite circumstances, my friend, life in general can no longer keep you down.
It's not who you are; it's what you do. Instead of being fixated on the destination, enjoy the journey more. The more you walk in life, the more your walk defines you.
No one can do it alone. By making a relationship work, you are also helping yourself in the long run. Those who think long-term put effort into prioritising their relationships.
Earnings come with more than just money. So earn your life, and earn money you shall. Use the money you earn for what is deemed good.
Focus and work on these four aspects every day. Every next morning, find yourself waking up energised with a world of possibilities. You are the living, again.