Publication | 出版

coffee roasting - the transformation of coffee

Roasting: The Transformation of Coffee

tai attitude

Physical and chemical changes of coffee roasting.

Roasting: The Transformation of Coffee

tai attitude

Physical and chemical changes of coffee roasting.

anatomy of coffee cherry

Anatomy of Coffee

tai attitude

The structure of coffee fruit & understanding of peaberry.


Anatomy of Coffee

tai attitude

The structure of coffee fruit & understanding of peaberry.

natural, washed, and honey processing

Coffee Processing: Natural, Washed, and Honey

tai attitude

The process and coffee experiences of the main three processing methods.

Coffee Processing: Natural, Washed, and Honey

tai attitude

The process and coffee experiences of the main three processing methods.

the essential guide to coffee cupping

Cupping Protocol

tai attitude

The essential guide to coffee cupping.

Cupping Protocol

tai attitude

The essential guide to coffee cupping.

coffee harvesting

Coffee Harvesting

tai attitude

Selective and strip harvesting.

Coffee Harvesting

tai attitude

Selective and strip harvesting.

shade grown coffee

Shade Grown vs. Sun Grown Coffee

tai attitude

Coffee agricultural system.

Shade Grown vs. Sun Grown Coffee

tai attitude

Coffee agricultural system.