Frequently Asked Questions


Who operates Shiren Coffee?

Shiren Coffee Enterprise. We are a registered business based in Malaysia.

Shiren Coffee Enterprise was established in 2023. You may learn more about us.


Who is the founder of Shiren Coffee?

Tai. His background includes being a barista, roaster, trainer, and author. He spends most of his time doing the aforementioned.

He listens to Nickelback and replays Metroid games every year. If you meow at him, he'll pet you back. You can reach him on Instagram @shirencoffee.


The team of Shiren Coffee?

If drinking coffee and turning this world into a coffee one sounds like *you, send your resume to Character is welcome.

 *You have to be based in areas of the Klang Valley, Malaysia, for now.


What single-origin coffee does offer?

We source specialty-grade green coffee from our industry peers. At our discretion, we buy by quality, not by quantity.

With coffee beans' harvest being seasonal, to ensure the best freshness, our offerings change from time to time.

At the same time, do expect exciting new coffees to be offered from month to month.


Why are there roast profiles to choose from?

We view coffee as a craft. From cultivation to roasting to brewing, it's all craftsmanship. At roasting, we see a great opportunity to present coffee in different ways.

As there is no international standard on how light a light roast should be or how dark a dark roast should be, the roast profiles we offered are based on our assessment for the green coffee. At Shiren Coffee, we do not offer coffee beans; we offer coffee roasts.


Do I need to sign up for an account in order to make a purchase?

You may make a purchase as a guest. However, signing up for an account helps save your address for faster future checkouts. You can also view your purchase history directly on


How does collect my data?

You may learn about how we collect and use your data in our Privacy Policy.


Can I exchange or refund should anything go wrong with my purchase?

Yes, under certain conditions. Please learn more about our Refund Policy.


Can I get an exchange or refund if I dislike my purchased coffee bean?

Yes. Only with reasonable reason subjected to our approval, and we then shall do it for you. If coffee brewing is your concern, we will also be happy to assist you. Kindly reach us here at our Contact Information.


Does Shiren Coffee have a coffee bean wholesale business?

No. We are currently only focusing on what we offer on


Can I do a coffee bean bulk purchase?

No. As we are focusing on every single small bag of orders and the tiny little things at the moment. =)


What form of payment does Shiren Coffee accept?

Debit or credit card, Apple Pay, Grab Pay, and FPX are accepted.


Where does Shiren Coffee ship, how long will the shipping take, and how do I track my order?

Please learn more about our Shipping Policy.


Does Shiren Coffee have social media?

Yes, we are on Instagram. @shirencoffee.

Our time is spent much more on writing content and roasting coffee, though.

Hence, no daily spam of posts on your feed. We only post when there is context to share with you.


I would like to compliment Shiren Coffee; how can I do so?

It's up to you. We appreciate your good spirit!

Thank you for the encouragement and kindness. =)


I would like to file a complaint with Shiren Coffee; how can I do so?

For the issue, please raise it with us informally. We promise that when you do, it might no longer be an issue. Please let us try to solve it for you first.

As we all want good virtue, kindly do not make a victim on social media; instead, please reach us here at our Contact Information.

Thank you for your patience with us. =)



What language is available in?

Our website is offered in English, Bahasa Malaysia, and traditional Chinese. We put in the best of our effort in translating; hence, each publication you read is as faithfully translated as possible.

You may change to one of the languages offered at the bottom of the footer section of the website. We hope more people can enjoy Shiren Coffee.


Who and what is the weekly publication for?

The weekly publication is for the help and enjoyment of fellow baristas and coffee drinkers. Which is you. =)

If you have an interest in a certain publication topic, a suggestion, or feedback in general, we welcome it. Kindly email us at


Is the publication free?

Yes. Our publication is 100% free and will continue to be free. We are also committed to ensuring the website continues to be free of both third-party advertisements and pop-up notifications for the best browsing experience.

If you would like to support our cause, consider buying shiren a cup of tea =)


How do I reach Shiren Coffee for enquiries?

Please reach us here at our Contact Information.