Breaking the Mould: Redefining Normal
tai attitude3 min read
Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut, experiencing the same day over and over again?
If this resonates with you, you're not alone. Then, breaking free from monotony might very well be what you sorely need.
To embrace change and step into new possibilities is the essence of this article. To achieve this, a crucial step is to understand our fixated perception of normal.
Definition of Normal
In the dictionary, normal is used to describe something that is regular (regularly) or natural (by nature).
All the same, the term normal also means conforming to a standard, usual, typical, or expected. A.k.a. the norm.
To Be Normal?
Does committing to a 9-to-5 job throughout adulthood just to earn a decent income that hardly covers our debts sound normal?
And yet we have been told to work harder and harder when such a system is clearly inefficient.
Redefine your normal
Success always seems far away, and the very real possibility of getting that far must be enjoyment. Because those who have enjoyment tend to go the furthest.
Since we all have to contribute to the world in our own ways, imagine what will happen when what you do is also what you enjoy. When you make sure of this, you'll unlock the wonderfulness of your life, which increases your chances of success.
Never underestimate joy; you will need yours. It's not a kiddy thing; it's a strength.
Does feeling lethargic, mood swinging, and having brain fog all day sound normal?
Being sick easily and overweight are modern first-world problems. And then we wonder why the older people were healthier. Isn't it obvious? It's the ultra-processed foods we have been introduced to since industrialization and the sedentary lifestyle with the advancement of technology.
Redefine your normal
Since we all have to eat and move to stay alive, imagine what will happen when you eat only whole foods and regularly do physical activities. When you prioritise these in your lifestyle, you'll unlock vigorousness, which increases your capacity to sustain your success.
Your well-being is of utmost importance, always. Because without or lacking it, you lose everything.
Redefine Your Normal
The meaning of the term normal depends on interpretation.
Normal can be good when we refer to it as regular (regularly) or natural (by nature). However, normal is not necessarily equal to good when we refer to it as standard, usual, typical, or expected, a.k.a. the norm.
The irony is that every day we are reminded to just be ourselves, yet somehow, we are expected to do what everyone else does.
When our thoughts (thinking authentic) and actions (doing typical) do not align, we suffer as a result.
Redefining your normal means breaking free from the constraints of society and genuinely living life on your own terms.
When your thoughts and actions are one, life has everything you want, filling you with health, love, and prosperity.
It starts by doing what you truly desire, one thing at a time. Whether it's a new way to approach tasks, a new expression for someone you care about, a new hobby, a new restaurant, or a new workout. Say yes to new possibilities.
At the very least, you owe it to yourself to try.