The Story of Shiren Coffee
tai attitude5 min read
About the author
As I turn 35 this year, I reflect on my 13 years of full-time work in the coffee industry. It feels like the appropriate time has arrived. Consequently, beginning January 1st, 2023, a new journey has already begun, and let me tell you a little about it.
Every time people call me “Tai”, I hear the echoes of the ego and limits of “Tai”. Don't get me wrong; there is nothing unsound with my name or how people address me; it's just that, as much as I dislike admitting it, I’m aware of my own ego and limits.
I seek to be better, and thereby, the two very fundamental questions I am constantly asking my inner self every day are:
How can I make it less about me?
How do I ensure I continuously learn until the end of time?
I believe these two verb-oriented questions, when asked enough, will point me to walk the path of joy and fulfilment.
Indeed, as time went by, it led me to the path of building Shiren Coffee. Little did I realise then, until now up to this point, that the joy and fulfilment gained so far come from companionship. Knowing there is a recipient has always made me feel joyful and fulfilled because what I do is not merely for myself.
The following people are significant because their trust, love, and insights have made Shiren Coffee possible.
Thank you, Chan, for being the best friend and business partner. Come to light with the word Shi- (詩), which beautifully captures and represents our craft as a way of expressing. By all means, your contribution to Shiren Coffee is way beyond words, my friend.
Thank you to early adopters for buying the early prototype roasts, trying them, and giving precious feedback. Without your trust and insights, Shiren Coffee will likely remain in concept form. My gratitude to you is felt every day: Sonia, Jia Rui, Pong, Wing Jun, Alex Tan, Alex Chong, Elson, Bryan, Kok Yeong, Xiao Ken, Liz, and Aki.
Thank you to those who listened in 2016 and 2017, the years when I was lost in the sands of time. I gained strength from you to confront depression and kick it out for good. You saved my life, and for that I am eternally grateful, and have learned to do the same for those in need. Again, because of you, Shiren Coffee has an all the more meaningful prologue. Friends, especially the souls from Penang, thank you.
Thank you to the colleagues, customers, and students with whom I have had the opportunity to serve and share. In the service industry, when I see enough differences through my eyes, the differences start to form colours. Making coffee for you or with you has given me perspectives and helped me really see why each of you is so different from me. You are uniquely you. Because you have something that I do not, I learned that beauty can truly come in many shapes and forms.
Thank you to three key, legendary people. I know you will probably not read this here, but still, I would want others to know.
For you, my boss Ken, who has taught me so much about people and adulthood. I remember it fondly, on the day when I decided to join you, due to one sentence you said: “Learn business with me, and you’ll learn people, Tai”. Over the years, you delivered on the promise you made and went beyond. You did.
For you, Jane, who witnessed my lowest point, and you are still with me always. Before you, I was a man with capability, and you profoundly helped shape my character for the better. Thank you for showing me that character is more important and that emotion is our greatest strength.
For you, whom I cannot mention but who have bestowed so much of your wisdom on me, your words of “Just stay alive and keep on learning” resonate deeply with me. We all have lost someone precious, and for you, I will embrace life, keep on learning, and pass it down.
Lastly, thank you, adversities, because each one was an opportunity to build some optimism. I questioned it, and now I believe it. It seems like the more adversity I overcame, the more optimistic I became about this world.
Every adversity has an optimistic ending. Because if it doesn't, then it is not the end yet, my friend, so keep on going.
For instance, thank you, pandemic, for the silent isolation period that brought clarity, where I wrote down thoughts, manifested them, and took action to build Shiren Coffee.
People change. I thought serving people would exhaust the heck out of me until I did it long enough to realise it energised me instead. I live a life of service, and now I wouldn't want it any other way. Furthermore, I shall.
This is not a success story
This is not a success story; far from it. This is a happy story to share with those of you who care. If you have read this far, I’m talking about you. Thank you for connecting with me and Shiren Coffee.
Like everyone else, I made mistakes. Which is crucial to reflect what is done right as well. We get better.
Like everyone else, I do not know what will happen next. Which is exactly why it is worth living to find out. In this regard, I would want you to feel the same.
Shiren Coffee (詩仁咖啡) embodies an ideal to strive for, where expression (詩) and benevolence (仁) will transcend ego (自) and limits (限).
Roasting coffee and publishing articles are what we do.
Multiple roast profiles and helping others are how we do it.
Expression and benevolence are why we do it.
Shiren Coffee is ongoing. It will be fun to have you.
Subscribe to our free newsletter on the website to get an email notification when seasonal new coffees or weekly new articles become available.
If you make your own coffee, do consider buying our coffee beans; it will fuel us. In return, we can continue our expression by offering more exciting roasts for you to enjoy.
Or read the articles published; share them if you find them helpful. Every article is written by focusing on passing down 1% solidity with 100% effort. From one human being to another.
This is Tai; thank you for reading.
1 comment
This is a good inspiration article. I’m grateful to you, Tai, for introducing science about coffee, some philosophy and health knowledge to me. I truly appreciate that. This tiny move that you feel is easy to you might be big for some others, like me. You not only showcase greatness and you are also showing the path to become one. The paths you showed are describable and viable, truly forming hope to others. Thank you, Tai.